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 From: Lukasz Lenart <lukaszlen...@apache.org>
To: Struts Users Mailing List <user@struts.apache.org> 
Sent: Thursday, April 4, 2013 12:36 PM
Subject: Re: generating taglib using Ant and Java 6
If you find a solution, please share it as we can use with Struts 3 then :-)

2013/4/4 Steven Yang <kenshin...@gmail.com>:
> Sorry this may not be directed to Struts2
> I have written some Struts2 taglib and want to package them into a jar.
> I am not using maven so I used to use Ant with apt tag.
> And my task looks like the following
> <target name="generate-taglib" >
> <apt classpathref="tags.classpath" factorypathref="tags.classpath"
> srcdir="StrutsTags" compile="false" destdir="dist/apt" fork="true"
> preprocessdir="bin" verbose="false" source="1.5" encoding="utf-8"
> factory="org.apache.struts.annotations.taglib.apt.TLDAnnotationProcessorFactory"
> includeantruntime="false">
> <compilerarg value="-AtlibVersion=1.0" />
> <compilerarg value="-AjspVersion=2.0" />
> <compilerarg value="-AshortName=mb" />
> <compilerarg value="-Auri=/struts-my-tags" />
> <compilerarg value="-Adescription='My Struts Tags'" />
> <compilerarg value="-AdisplayName='My Struts Tags'" />
> <compilerarg value="-AoutTemplatesDir=${basedir}/dist/taglib-doc" />
> <compilerarg value="-AoutFile=${basedir}/bin/META-INF/struts-my-tags.tld" />
> </apt>
> </target>
> However since java 6 apt has been removed or not supported I want to use
> the Annotation Processor in the Java Compiler. But I couldnt find any
> direct example and I came up with the following
> <target name="generate-taglib" depends="compile">
>    <javac destdir="bin"
>   debug="true"
>   failonerror="true"
>   compiler="javac1.6"
>   srcdir="StrutsTags" includeantruntime="false" encoding="utf-8"
> verbose="true">
> <include name="**/*.java"/>
> <classpath refid="tags.classpath"/>
> <compilerarg line="-proc:only"/>
> <compilerarg line="-processor
> org.apache.struts.annotations.taglib.apt.TagAnnotationProcessor" />
> <compilerarg line="-s dist/apt" />
> <compilerarg line="-source 6"/>
> <compilerarg value="-AtlibVersion=1.0.1" />
> <compilerarg value="-AjspVersion=2.0" />
> <compilerarg value="-AshortName=mb" />
> <compilerarg value="-Auri=/struts-my-tags" />
> <compilerarg value="-Adescription='My Struts Tags'" />
> <compilerarg value="-AdisplayName='My Struts Tags'" />
> <compilerarg value="-AoutTemplatesDir=${basedir}/dist/taglib-doc" />
> <compilerarg value="-AoutFile=${basedir}/bin/META-INF/struts-my-tags.tld" />
> </javac>
> </target>
> When I run this the task completes successfully however nothing is
> generated in the struts-my-tags.tld.
> Can someone tell me whats wrong?
> Thanks

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