Am 27.06.2013 09:05, schrieb Lukasz Lenart:

Hmm... so why do you map it to *.html? And not to /* or *.action?

It was like that in the original web.xml when the application ran with Webwork. I also tried /* without changes.

But I had some progress in my "Dispatcher not started" problem: Apparently an old .css file was still linked in the main decorator jsp. The 404 (for whatever reason) created an exception that killed the dispatcher? Or maybe it just said so...

Now I dont have that error on every page anymore, but my struts tags still dont render correctly :(

I will have a deeper look into that and get back to the list if I need help understanding the tags (the wiki didnt help so far, if and elseif arent working at all here)

Thank you Lukasz for your help! At least now I know most of the app is configured correctly wrt struts2 :)


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