Good discussion. Thanks guys. Some replies:

Chris: No joy on using the second form on all.
> How would you propose to make them the same but end up with different

I understand what you're saying and get it. You're clear depiction of the
separation of tasks is helpful. Maybe I'm just not a fan of building an
expression within an attribute and it has been confusing for those for whom
I've introduced Struts 2. I'd rather that OGNL was there to figure out how
to access beans by way of getter/setter and Struts know that if I put
"foos[n].aString" in a value tag that I actually want a value (getters)
versus putting the same thing in the name tag that I'm intending to write
to fields (setters). That's what I want a framework for: To figure things
out for me so I don't have to work (or think) so hard. I've been using
Struts 2 for years and only just recently realized that # referred to a
context! Maybe I'm just dense, but it has taken awhile to really grasp all
the moving parts.

It's a trade-off. Part of me still wants the power of OGNL (though I don't
find I use more than even a fraction of its power), but if I had to pick, I
think I'd go for simplicity for the typical use case which I believe I'm

Dave/Eric R:
What do you mean by "indexed tags?"

- Eric

On Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 6:04 PM, Eric Reed <> wrote:

> I agree, you should be using indexed tags, and they are two different
> things as Dave has stated.
> >>> Dave Newton <> 6/27/2013 5:19 PM >>>
> On Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 4:38 PM, Eric Lentz  <>
> wrote:
> >     <s:textfield name="foos[%{#stat.index}].aString"
> > value="%{foos[#stat.index].aString}" />
> >
> Here you're doing to explicitly different things:
> 1. Provide a name (a string) with an embedded expression evaluation.
> 2. Execute an OGNL expression to retrieve a value.
> Normalizing these things to be the "same thing" makes no sense, because
> they're different things and must be treated as such. How would you propose
> to make them the same but end up with different results?
> >     <s:property value="foos[#stat.index].aString" />
> >
> Here you're choosing not to explicitly wrap the OGNL expression in %{}.
> IIRC there's an option to force the use of %{}, but  this is the same thing
> as in the "value" attribute above, you'd just decided not to wrap it in the
> OGNL escape.
> At best there are two different things, and I'm not really sure how they
> could be the same thing if they're used manually as values.
> The *actual* solution is to provide indexed tags.
> Dave
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