
I am still trying to migrate our application from Webwork to Strut2.

The site uses sitemesh with freemarker templates and used a <ww:datepicker.../> from Webwork.

This tag was replaced in struts2 with <sx:datetimepicker but doesnt show up in my application.

I added <sx:head ... > in the <head> section of my jsp. I included the plugin in my WEB-INF/lib folder and changed my web.xml according to


Then I excluded


in decordators.xml and replaced the HTMLPageParsers in sitemesh.xml with

<parser content-type="text/html" class="com.opensymphony.module.sitemesh.parser.FastPageParser"/>

which was a hint for that issue on some website.

But the Datetimepicker is still now rendered at my website. I dont get any errors in my tomcat logs, only 2 javascript errors when calling the website that has the DateTimePicker on it:

TypeError: dojo.widget.manager is undefined @ https://.../struts/ajax/dojoRequire.js:27 TypeError: dojo.xml.Parse is not a constructor @ https://.../struts/dojo/dojo.js:900

Any idea if these are the critical errors? If not, what else could have been wrong?

Thank you in advance


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