HTML 101 the href tag is a String literal which must be enclosed by double 
quotes e.g.

<a href="";>
<img src="PictureOfMonkeyTypingOnKeyboard.jpg" 
alt="PictureOfMonkeyTypingOnKeyboard.jpg" />

Viel Gluck
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> Date: Fri, 12 Jul 2013 13:49:59 -0700
> From:
> Subject: struts2 jquery plugin
> To:
> the following sample is from Struts2/Jquery plugin sample, and works perfect
> in JSP, 
> <sj:accordion id="accordionlist" list="accordion"/> 
> in Action
> private Map<String, String> accordion; public String execute() throws 
> Exception { accordion = new HashMap<String, String>(); accordion.put("Section 
> 1", "sample 1"); accordion.put("Section 2", "sample 2"); 
> accordion.put("Section 3", "sample 3"); return SUCCESS; } public Map<String, 
> String> getAccordion() { return accordion; }
> The above sample for Struts2/Jquery works great.
> ************************************************************************
> but, 
> how to escape the contents of 'Section 1" ?
> i just try to use string "Section 1, <a href=''> 
> google</a>" to replace "Section 1", but render result only display text, but 
> not link.
> please advise
> thanks in advance
> john 

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