
     * This is the method that defines the different button text items in a hashMap
     * for the BaseLookupDispatchAction to use.
     * TODO: Need to externalize this, so these are not hard coded.
    protected Map getKeyMethodMap()
    { "getKeyMethodMap..." );

        Map map = new HashMap();

        ResourceBundle methods = ResourceBundle.getBundle( 

        Enumeration keys = methods.getKeys();

        while( keys.hasMoreElements() )
            String key = ( String )keys.nextElement();
            map.put( key, methods.getString( key ) );

        return map;

-----Original Message-----
From: news [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Bill Siggelkow
Sent: Thursday, August 26, 2004 10:53 AM
Subject: Re: Help with Cactus StrutsTestCase

Is your LookupDispatchAction implementing getKeyMethodMap()?


> I am trying to write test cases for my Struts app, but can't seem to figure it out.
> I have used the examples, but I don't seem to get the correct outcome when I run 
> them.
> I am using LookupDispatchAction's exclusively. 
> So here is the method I am testing:
> ==========================
>     public void productSelectionAction( ActionMapping mapping
>                                         , ActionForm form
>                                         , HttpServletRequest request
>                                         , HttpServletResponse response ) {
> "Process CreditApplicationActions productSelectionAction(...)" );
>         NavigationBean navigationBean = ( NavigationBean 
> )request.getSession().getAttribute( "navigationBean" );
>         if( navigationBean == null ) {
>             navigationBean = new NavigationBean();
>         }
>         if( Constants.TRUE.equals( request.getParameter( Constants.BUS_LINE_SELECTED 
> ) ) ) {
>             navigationBean.setHasBusinessLine( true );
>         } else {
>             request.getSession().setAttribute( "businessLineForm", null );
>             navigationBean.setHasBusinessLine( false );
>         }
>         if( Constants.TRUE.equals( request.getParameter( Constants.BUS_CARD_SELECTED 
> ) ) ) {
>             navigationBean.setHasBusinessCard( true );
>         } else {
>             request.getSession().setAttribute( "businessCardForm", null );
>             navigationBean.setHasBusinessCard( false );
>         }
>         if( Constants.TRUE.equals( request.getParameter( 
> Constants.BUS_SEC_CARD_SELECTED ) ) ) {
>             navigationBean.setHasSecuredCard( true );
>         } else {
>             request.getSession().setAttribute( "securedCardForm", null );
>             navigationBean.setHasSecuredCard( false );
>         }
>         if( Constants.TRUE.equals( request.getParameter( 
> Constants.EQUIP_EXPRESS_SELECTED ) ) ) {
>             navigationBean.setHasEquipExpress( true );
>         } else {
>             request.getSession().setAttribute( "equipExpressForm", null );
>             navigationBean.setHasEquipExpress( false );
>         }
>         request.getSession().setAttribute( "navigationBean", navigationBean );
>     };
> Here is the action in the struts-config.xml:
> ===============================
>         <!-- Product selection action -->
>         <action path="/productSelection"
>                 input=".productSelection"
>                 name="productSelectionForm"
>                 parameter="action"
>                 scope="session"               
>                 type="" 
>                 validate="true">
>             <forward name="error" path=".productSelection" redirect="true" />
>             <forward name="continue" path=".business" redirect="true" />
>             <forward name="productSelection" path=".productSelection" 
> redirect="true" />
>             <forward name="business" path=".business" redirect="true" />
>             <forward name="firstOwner" path=".firstOwner" redirect="true" />
>             <forward name="secondOwner" path=".secondOwner" redirect="true" />
>             <forward name="businessLine" path=".businessLine" redirect="true" />
>             <forward name="businessCard" path=".businessCard" redirect="true" />
>             <forward name="securedCard" path=".securedCard" redirect="true" />
>             <forward name="equipExpress" path=".equipExpress" redirect="true" />
>             <forward name="noSecondOwner" path=".noSecondOwner" redirect="true" />
>             <forward name="noBusinessLine" path=".noBusinessLine" redirect="true" />
>             <forward name="noBusinessCard" path=".noBusinessCard" redirect="true" />
>             <forward name="noSecuredCard" path=".noSecuredCard" redirect="true" />
>             <forward name="noEquipExpress" path=".noEquipExpress" redirect="true" />
>             <forward name="conclude" path=".acceptanceAgreement" redirect="true" />
>         </action>
> Here is the test method:
> ==================
>   public void testProductSelection() throws Exception {
>     // JUnitDoclet begin method productSelection
>         setRequestPathInfo( "/productSelection" );
>         addRequestParameter( "action", "nextPage" );
>         addRequestParameter( "businessLineSelected", "true" );
>         addRequestParameter( "businessCardSelected", "true" );
>         addRequestParameter( "businessSecuredCardSelected", "true" );
>         addRequestParameter( "equipmentExpressSelected", "true" );
>         actionPerform();
>         verifyForward( Constants.ERROR_FWD );
>         verifyForward( Constants.PRODUCTSELECTION_FWD );
>         //verifyActionErrors(new String[] {"error.nodefault.implementation" } );
>         //verifyActionErrors(new String[] { "error.noaction.specified"} );
>         //NavigationBean navigationBean = (NavigationBean)getSession().getAttribute( 
> "navigationBean" );
>         //assertTrue( "NavigationBean is null", navigationBean == null);
>         verifyNoActionErrors();
>     // JUnitDoclet end method productSelection
>   }
> And I get zero errors at all...
> ---
>>Mick Knutson
>>525 Market Street, SF, CA  94103
>>(415) 222-1020
>>MAC A0103-223
> ---

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