Question for Sjquery's   sj:a  tag as the following    
<s:url id="ajax" value="ReportAction"/>
        <sj:a id="ajaxlink" 
                > TOTAL # PARTS 
<div id="result"> <s:property value="sum"/></div>
public class ReportkeyAction extends extends ActionSupport {
  private int sum;
  public int getSum() { return sum; }
  public void setSum(int sum) { this.sum = sum; }
  public String execute() throws Exception {        sum=310;
        System.out.println("sum get fired for json, val="+sum);
        return "success";
public String getJSON()  throws Exception
    System.out.println("json get triggered for json, val="+sum);
    return execute();
the render return result/display is the following
I only expect result of 310 get returned, why heading info also get returned?
obvioulsy, <s:property value="sum"/> even did not working.
how can i just display 310 only?
thanks in advance

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