Thanks Martin,

 From: Martin Gainty <>
To: Struts Users Mailing List <> 
Sent: Friday, September 13, 2013 7:41 AM
Subject: RE: Struts2-jquery-grid-show on jboss as

struts.xml containing action specification for JsonTableAction

    <package name="showcase" extends="json-default">
         <default-action-ref name="json" />
         <!-- global-results -->
             <!-- result name="error">/pages/grid.jsp</result -->
             <!-- result name="success">/pages/index.jsp</result -->
         <!-- /global-results -->
         <action name="json" 
                      <result name="success">/pages/index.jsp</result>
                       <result name="error">/pages/grid.jsp</result>

this assumes you have your startup welcome page located at 
AND the grid view is located at WebAppName/pgaes/grid.jsp

if the first container (classloader) loads the webapp but the second container 
(classloader) doesn't load the webapp
I would say you misconfigured your second container
did you look at classloader implementation in Jboss?

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> Subject: Struts2-jquery-grid-show on jboss as
> From:
> Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2013 21:16:08 -0400
> To:
> Hello everyone,
> I was able to deploy and run struts2-jquery-grid-showcase 3.6.1 on tomcat 
> application server out of box. However, I am unable to run it on 
> I believe that jboss is expecting all the actions to be 
> configured explicitly on the struts.xml. 
> This is how I configured to get the first page.
> <action name="index" method="displayPage" class="......IndexAction">
> <result name="success">/content/index.jsp</result>
> </action>
> I can see the header page, but no the editable grid. I was trying to 
> configure grid action like the following, it is not working 
> <action name="grid" class="........JasonTableAction">
> Can anyone guide me to how I can get all the actions configured on 
> struts.xml? 
> Sent from my iPad
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