Hi Lukasz,

Good example of regex in 
http://struts.apache.org/development/2.x/docs/form-validation-using-xml.html ,  
and choose  between JavaScript validator or Java validator will be another 
story .;-)

but the file EditAction-validation.xml seems contain a wrong value.

I found it in testing PhoneNumber with many wrong values and it always worked !
I thought maybe a jar is missing ? 

But it was the param name in the file EditAction-validation.xml
-> <param name="expression"> should be <param name="regex">

<validator type="regex">
    <param name="fieldname">personBean.phoneNumber</param>
    <param name="expression"><![CDATA[\d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4}]]></param>
    <message>Phone number must be entered as 999-999-9999.</message>

<validator type="regex">
    <param name="fieldname">personBean.phoneNumber</param>
    <param name="regex"><![CDATA[\d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4}]]></param>
    <message>Phone number must be entered as 999-999-9999.</message>


Chris ( christalkto ) 


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