If this is a duplicate message I apologize -- had some trouble subscribing.
 I'd like to provide some excludeParams to the ParametersInterceptor.  I
have two questions about this:

1)  If I provide my own "excludeParams" element like this:

<interceptor-ref name="params">
  <param name="excludeParams">token</param>

Does this get added to the default list of parameters, or does it replace
it?  Is there any way that I can add my own parameters to the default list
of exclude parameters (like dojo\..* ) without replacing it?

2) Is there any way for me to provide the excludeParams parameter to the
"params" interceptor without "exploding" the defaultStack in my struts.xml?

Currently I have:
       <interceptor name="logInterceptor"
class="com.rgm.interceptor.ActionLogInterceptor" />
       <interceptor-stack name="myDefaultStack">
            <interceptor-ref name="logInterceptor" />
            <interceptor-ref name="defaultStack"/>

Must I "explode" that "defaultStack" reference in order to provide the
"excludeParams" parameter to the "params" interceptor contained therein?

Thank you,

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