Sometime ago ... with 2.3.12. I have renamed expression to regex as
right now you can define regexExpression as Ognl expression - there
was name clash without renaming ;-)

2013/9/18 Chris <>:
> Hello ,
> Do you have any idea since when ( which version ) the word expression is no
> more  avaliable ?
> In some examples on the Web or in Books, the word used is still
> "expression".
> Regards
> Chris
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Done, thanks for reporting!
> 2013/9/16 Chris
>> Hi Lukasz,
>> Good example of regex in
> ,
>> and choose  between JavaScript validator or Java validator will be another
>> story .;-)
>> but the file EditAction-validation.xml seems contain a wrong value.
>> .
>> I found it in testing PhoneNumber with many wrong values and it always
>> worked !
>> I thought maybe a jar is missing ?
>> But it was the param name in the file EditAction-validation.xml
>> -> <param name="expression"> should be <param name="regex">
>> before
>> <validator type="regex">
>>     <param name="fieldname">personBean.phoneNumber</param>
>>     <param name="expression"><![CDATA[\d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4}]]></param>
>>     <message>Phone number must be entered as 999-999-9999.</message>
>> </validator>
>> after
>> <validator type="regex">
>>     <param name="fieldname">personBean.phoneNumber</param>
>>     <param name="regex"><![CDATA[\d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4}]]></param>
>>     <message>Phone number must be entered as 999-999-9999.</message>
>> </validator>
>> Regards,
>> Chris ( christalkto )
>> __________________

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