How did you name your xml file? It must be struts-plugin.xml and then
framework will automatically load it.

+ 48 606 323 122

2013/10/5 Umesh Awasthi <>:
> Hi All,
> Facing "Parent package is not defined" exception and not sure where things
> are worng.
> I have created a new plugin and want to use this plugin in my web-app, this
> is how i have defined my plugin package
> <package name="myPlugin" extends="struts-default">
> For testing purpose i created a blank application by using
> "struts2-archetype-blank" and this is how i am using plugin package
>  <package name="example" namespace="/example" extends="myPlugin">
> but i am getting following exception on server startup
> Caused by: Unable to load configuration.
> Caused by: Parent package is not defined: myPlugin - [unknown location]
> It seems that plugin is not getting included.
> Initially i was serving plugin by Maven but in order to check i placed jar
> inside lib folder and included it in class-path.
> Any idea where or what i am doing wrong ?
> --
> With Regards
> Umesh Awasthi

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