I don't think  it has something to do with struts. The jira you specified
also clearly says it is the problem with server security policy. And as far
as i know for every web app that you deploy on the server, the server
creates and maintains a separate classloader for it. So if the security
policy does not allow creating a classloader then the problem with hosting
service provider.

*Thanks and Regards,*
Muralidhar Yaragalla.

On Sat, Nov 2, 2013 at 2:32 AM, Fredrik Andersson <fredan...@hotmail.com>wrote:

> Hello guys!
> I have bought some space at a webhotel saying that it supports application
> that uses struts.
> But when I enter a link like  <a href="login.action" >Log in</a> from my
> index.jsp I just get:
> HTTP Status 404 - result 'null' not found
>     type Status report
>     message result 'null' not found
>     description The requested resource (result 'null' not found) is not
> available.
> The webhotel uses a Tomcat fronted by a Apache. At the webhotel I have add
> a mapping like "/*" that according to theres doc should forwarding all
> request to the Tomcat.
> I first developed my site at home where it of course works fine in a
> similar environment (tomcat fronted by a apache). At my first attempt to
> deploy it at the webhotel I got this error. Unfortenately I can not see all
> logs my self, but the support at the webhotel told me that my app tried to
> do some "createclassloader" and that is not allowed for me.
> So in my hunt to find out why this createclassloader-issue derives from I
> have stripped the site down to just a simple hello-world-app similar like
> this: http://www.mkyong.com/struts2/struts-2-hello-world-example/. (My
> app is supposed to be run as the default app so my.)
> But I still get the same error.
> I found this post:
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/WW-1933
> Is the "createclassloader"-issue coming from struts? Does it sounds like
> this might be something that stuts needs to do?
> What do you think guys could I facing the same problem? Is this a
> security-setting-problem? I do not think I got the privileges to change
> security-settings at the webhotel according to what the support first told
> me. Is there some other way to solve this?
> Else I think that this "product"/"type_of_account" at the webhotel promise
> to much. If struts need to do the "createclassloader"-thing I doubt there
> will ever work to run a struts-app or what do you think guys?
> I also post some other info in this mail that might be of interest if you
> guys do not think I'm on the right track.
> In my Apache httpd.con I have set this (that I guess is the same mapping
> that I have done at the webhotel)
> JkMount  /* worker1
> In my web.xml
>     <filter-mapping>
>         <filter-name>struts2</filter-name>
>         <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern>
>     </filter-mapping>
> At the webhotel I have edit the context.xml.default to:
>     <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
>     <Context path="" />
> I have also added a context.xml like (that should overide the
> context.xml.default):
>     <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
>     <Context path="" override="true" />
> In my struts.xml i got this:
>     <package name="basicstruts2" namespace="/" extends="struts-default">
>         <action name="login">
>             <result>/login.jsp</result>
>         </action>
>         <action name="welcome" class="se.myapp.WelcomeUserAction">
>             <result name="SUCCESS">/welcome.jsp</result>
>         </action>
>     </package>
> And my index.jsp looks like below, and that renders out fine but when I
> click the link I get the error above:
>     <%@page import="se.myapp.WelcomeUserAction"%>
>     <%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8"%>
>     <%@ taglib prefix="s" uri="/struts-tags"%>
>     <html>
>         <head></head>
>         <body bgcolor="#FF9900">
>             <h1>Site is under construction</h1>
>             <a href="login.action" >Log in</a>
>             <br>
>             <%=new java.util.Date().toString()%>
>             <br>
>             <%=WelcomeUserAction.getDate()%>
>         </body>
>     </html>
> All this works fine at home.
> So if you guys got any ideas or where to look for more info, please let me
> know.
> Best regards
> Fredrik

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