Hello All,

I am an experienced programmer, but inexperienced in web programming and a total newbie to struts. Struts looks like it will be very useful to my web programming so I have ventured into the tutorials to start learning how to use it. I ran the first tutorial 'basic_struts' successfully. Next, I am trying to run the 'Hello World' tutorial, but it is failing. I could use some suggestions on what may be wrong and some suggestions on debug methodology when using struts. Or at least pointers on where to looking for debugging techniques. I am trying to do some reading to teach myself, but I'm floundering at this

I'm running crunchbang Linux, using firefox 30.0, which is close to the latest edition. By the way, I'm aware of the firefox 'web console' but a beginner with that tool so I have not taken advantage of it so far.
I'm running the tomcat6 server on my localhost.

I have read the tutorial for 'Hello World' from:

* *file:///usr/share/struts/struts-

I have read each step in that tutorial and verified that the source code explained in the tutorial is in my sand box. I ran 'mvn clean project' and got a successful build. Then then copied the
hello_world.war file to:

* * /var/lib/tomcat6/webapps/hello_world
*enter the URL:


in the address box on Firefox and got the following error from tomcat:

----------------Start Error Window-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

HTTP Status 404 - /hello_world/index.action
*type* Status report
*message* _/hello_world/index.action_
*description* _The requested resource (/hello_world/index.action) is not available._
Apache Tomcat/6.0.35

-------------------End Error Window ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

My other webapps run ok out of /var/lib/tomcat6/webapps, so I at least know my environment is set up correctly, at least for the most part. When I check directory permissions from the /var/lib/tomcat6/webapps/hello_world
directory, I get:

% ls -ld . *
drwxr-xr-x 2 jimA jimA    4096 Jul  2 09:15 .
-rw-r--r-- 1 jimA jimA 3991999 Jul  4 15:29 hello_world.war

I thought about attaching the hello_world.war file, but because it is 4M-bytes, I decided not to. If someone would like
to see it, I can provide it or a portion of it.

I feel like there is an obvious error in my set up, but I cannot see it. Can anyone offer some suggestions?

Jim Anderson

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