
when using paramsPrepareParamsStack with the convention plugin I'm getting multiple errors/warnings in devMode=true:

Error setting expression 'token' with value ['5UVO47K811DQ15DUZF4QV2NQ8DHIHSUY', ] Error setting expression 'token' with value ['5UVO47K811DQ15DUZF4QV2NQ8DHIHSUY', ]

At least one I got rid of by excluding these params (important is 'token'):

@InterceptorRefs({@InterceptorRef(value = "paramsPrepareParamsStack", params = {"params.excludeParams",

But apparently only the first params interceptor in the stack uses these params. The second one (the one after the prepare interceptor) only uses the built-in excludeParams. So one of the above mentioned errors persists, which is rather uncool :/

Bug or feature?

Thanks and best

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

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