I am using struts 1 because of company policy.

     On Monday, December 29, 2014 11:20 PM, Sreekanth S. Nair 
<sreekanth.n...@egovernments.org> wrote:

 Sure you can, please if you are using struts2 please read these tutorials
Struts2 Tag lesson

and a bit of JSP EL

Thanks & Regards

Sreekanth S Nair
Java Developer
eGovernments Foundation <http://www.egovernments.org>
Ph : 9980078913
<https://github.com/sreekanthsnair>  <sreekanthsn...@hotmail.co.uk>

On Tue, Dec 30, 2014 at 4:47 AM, Albert Kao <albertk...@yahoo.ca> wrote:

> The following Java scriptlet code in a Struts jsp is working fine.
> However, is it possible to change the jsp code so as to remove all
> the Java scriptlet codes?
> The .jsp code is like this:<%
>  HttpSession httpSession = request.getSession(true);
>  MyClient myClient =
> (MyClient)httpSession.getAttribute(MyConst.MY_CLIENT);
> %>
> <logic:iterate id="pOwnersID" name="<%=MyConst.MY_CLIENT%>"
>  property="pOwners" length="<%=MyConst.MY_OWNER_MAX%>" indexId="index">
>  <%
>    pageContext.setAttribute("requiredIndex",
> myClient.getRequiredIndex(index), PageContext.PAGE_SCOPE);
>  %>
>  <h2>
>    <bean:message key="common.owner.label" /> <%=
> myClient.getNumber(index) %>
>  </h2>
>  <div>
>    <logic:lessThan name="requiredIndex" value="1">
>      <label for='<%="lastName" + index%>' class="required">
>        <bean:message key="common.lastName.label" />
>        <jsp:include page="/pages/common/required.jsp" flush="true" />
>      </label>
>    </logic:lessThan>
>    <logic:greaterEqual name="requiredIndex" value="1">
>      <label for="<%="lastName" + index%>">
>        <bean:message key="common.lastName.label" />
>      </label>
>    </logic:greaterEqual>
>    <html:text styleClass="form-control"
>      styleId='<%="lastName" + index%>' name="inputForm"
>      property='<%="myForm.pOwners["+index+"].lastName"%>' size="62"
>      maxlength="30" />
>  </div>
> </logic:iterate>
> The java code is like this:public class Owner implements
> java.io.Serializable {
>    private static final long serialVersionUID = 7920764268572909394L;
>    private String lastName;
>    private String ownershipCode;
>    //...
>    public Owner() {
>    }
>    // getter and setters
>    public String getLastName() {
>        return lastName;
>    }
>    public void setLastName(String lastName) {
>        this.lastName = lastName;
>    }
>    //...
>    public Integer getRequiredIndex(Integer index) {
>        Integer requiredIndex = index;
>        if (OWNRSHP_PARTNER.equals(ownershipCode)) {
>            requiredIndex = requiredIndex - 1;
>        }
>        return requiredIndex;
>    }
>    public String getNumber(Integer index) {
>        String number = Integer.toString(index + 1);
>        if (OWNRSHP_SOLE.equals(ownershipCode)) {
>            number = "";
>        }
>        return number;
>    }
> }


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