Thanks for the feedback!
To be clear, we do have a number of interceptor stacks that are shared and we 
follow a similar pattern to what you describe where we add additional 
interceptors where needed before or after a common stack.  There are places 
that we might be able to reduce even that pattern by switching to action 
mapping parameters, I will definitely revisit that.  
The real problem is simply that there are so many actions at this point that to 
make sure we didn't miss any outlier custom stacks, we would have to review 
each one.  We would then have to add a struts configuration validation step to 
make sure no one introduced a new stack missing the required one (which I 
suppose wouldn't be that big a deal since we already do other configuration 
checks in development mode in a DispatcherListener).  Definitely food for 
      From: Christoph Nenning <>
 To: Struts Users Mailing List <> 
 Sent: Tuesday, October 13, 2015 7:35 AM
 Subject: Re: How to add a global interceptor
> From: Jasper Rosenberg <>
> To: "" <>, 
> Date: 13.10.2015 13:26
> Subject: How to add a global interceptor
> Hi,
> I work on a project with hundreds of struts actions manywith their 
> own custom interceptor stacks specified.  

Having actions with own interceptor stacks is quite special. Usually 
people have hundreds of actions but just a few interceptor stacks. And the 
few stacks are not created by copy-paste but by overriding configuration 
parameters and adding interceptors at the beginning or end of the stack.

> We have recently internationalized the site, and so I had aneed to 
> add an i18n interceptor to the top of every action stack.  It would 
> have been impractical (and difficultto enforce for future actions) 
> to add the new interceptor to every actiondefinition.
> My solution was to override the ActionProxyFactory to returnour own 
> ActionInvocation, which in turn always prepends the i18n interceptor
> tothe interceptor stack during initialization. 

In your case that sounds alright.

What are the reasons that you need so many different interceptor stacks?


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