What servlet container do you use? Java version? Maybe it's an
internal container's limitation?

2016-01-13 5:18 GMT+01:00 punter <p_saurab...@rediffmail.com>:
> Hi&nbsp;&gt;&gt;&nbsp;Do you get an error message?
> No error message is obtained during the fileupoad.
> In our application all request are mapped to the filter. We traced our 
> request for the case of fileupload through the jsp mentioned above.The 2 
> different scenario for different file sizes are:
> -&gt; When the file size is less than 2gbIn this case our fleupload is 
> successful. On checking the request in the filter, the 
> ServletRequest.getContentLength() methodreturns the correct file length size 
> in bytes.
> -&gt; When the file size is greater than 2gb (2^32-1 bytes)In this case our 
> fleupload is not successful.The fileupload action cannot proceed as per the 
> logs and nothing else is thrown.On checking the request in the filter the 
> ServletRequest.getContentLength() method returns 0 instead of the correct 
> file length size in bytes.The further mapping for the request hence does not 
> proceed.
> It is evident that there is problem with the servlet-api, that the 
> ServetRequest.getContentLength method returns a 32-bit int insteadof a 64-bit 
> long.This is why it fails for file sizes in bytes larger than 2gb.
> What needs to be done in order to correctly read Content-Length headers with 
> numbers bigger than 2^32 - 1, so that it supports uploadsgreater than 2gb.
> Thanks
> &gt; Hi,&gt; File upload in my struts application is not successful for 
> greater&nbsp;&gt; than 2 gb. After previous discussion here on previous 
> thread, I&nbsp;&gt; migrated my application to struts 2.3.24 as the only 
> possible&nbsp;&gt; solution in form of jakarta-stream parser for large size 
> uploads&nbsp;&gt; (greater than 2gb).&gt; But after successfully migrating to 
> struts 2.3.24 from 2.1.8, file&nbsp;&gt; upload greater than 2 gb still not 
> supported. I want to use jakarta-&gt; streams for this purpose.Following is 
> the code snippet:&gt; In struts.xml:&amp;lt;constant 
> name="struts.multipart.parser"&nbsp;&gt; value="jakarta-stream" 
> /&amp;gt;&amp;nbsp;&amp;lt;constant&nbsp;&gt; name="struts.multipart.maxSize" 
> value="3147483648" /&amp;gt;&gt; jsp file:&amp;lt;s:form id="uploadData" 
> action="abc_UploadAction"&nbsp;&gt; namespace="xyz" validateFields="false" 
> method="post"&nbsp;&gt; enctype="multipart/form-data"&amp;gt;&gt;&nbsp;&gt; 
> Alongwith with configuring server.xml with maxPostSize e
>  lement and&nbsp;&gt; mutipart-config in web.xml But still the file upload 
> request for&nbsp;&gt; greater than 2 gb not successful.&amp;nbsp;&gt; Thanks
> Do you get an error message?Log entries?Stack traces?
> Please give us more detail about what is happening.
> regards,Christoph
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