Such functionality is already supported, you can return an instance of
the Result class instead of a String and Struts2 will handle it.
Though, it isn't documented ;-)

2016-01-26 15:26 GMT+01:00 CRANFORD, CHRIS <>:
> This is one of the aspects of Spring MVC that I prefer over that of Struts2.  
> The return types from action handler methods vary and influences what the 
> servlet handler is to do after the action handler has completed.
> The framework could be tweaked to examine the action method's return type and 
> based upon it branch and do various new features, allowing the result type 
> invocation to be handled in a more declarative way via code rather than XML 
> configuration or annotations.
> What Christoph presents here very closely aligns with the View based 
> implementations that Spring MVC expose.
> I also think we're reaching a point that some of the struts2 plugins to 
> support various result type implementations such as JSON and REST should be 
> considered for merging into the struts2 core.  These result types have become 
> a major way to exchange data in the past several years with microservices, 
> web services, and AJAX support that they should be first class denizens in 
> the codebase.
> Chris
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Christoph Nenning []
> Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 3:27 AM
> To: Struts Users Mailing List <>
> Subject: Re: Jodd/Madvoc MVC framework
> return new InstantDispatcherResult("foo.jsp");
> return new InstantActionRedirectResult("fooAction");
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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