2016-03-24 14:56 GMT+01:00 José Antonio Delgado Trujillo <jadt...@gmail.com>

> I understood that spring can manage and inject dependency class in Action.

You can also use CDI instead of Spring

> In the example manage and inject EditServiceInMemory.
> To do this:
>    - Insert the struts spring plugin dependency in the POM.
>    - Insert the spring listener in the web.xml
>    - Write the configuration file with the bean editService.
>    - Create getter and setter to editService.
> I did it and it run.
> But there is an alternative: let Spring to manage also the action class
> (EditAction).
> To do this:
>    - Insert another bean editAction with the property editService in the
>    configuration file.
>    - Change the class in node action of struts.
> I did it and it doesn’t run.
> I don’t know why…
> The framework can’t instantiate the action class due to it doesn’t know
> who is the bean editAction.

Can you share your config?

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