On the Struts home page, it says, "We have released two older versions of
Apache Struts which *contain the latest security fixes.* Please read
announcement for** ..."

Those notes say, "This release addresses *two* potential security
vulnerabilities," and then lists three issues, S2-029, S2-031, and S2-032.

The notes for S2-029 say to use version 2.3.28, and the notes for S2-031
and S2-032 say to use version 2.3.20*.2. *S2-030 only mentions 2.3.28.

I really appreciate the maintenance of the older releases. Specifically,
changes in OGNL 3.0.13 cause some failures that are hard to find
statically, and perhaps other incompatibilities lurk in newer versions.

I am safe to take the announcement at face value, and assume that
contains fixes for all known vulnerabilities, disregarding the details of
the bulletins themselves? Is there a plan to provide security updates for
2.3.20 and 2.3.24? How long will they be supported?

Thanks for the help!


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