
some questions about your code snippets:

- how does actionResult.jsp look?
- how should showcase.index.actionResult and showcase.index belong to each 
- shouldn't showcase.index.actionResult set the body attribute?
- why is there an <s:action> tag in layout.jsp?


> From: Vishal Jhagadiawala <vish_...@yahoo.com.INVALID>
> To: Struts Users Mailing List <user@struts.apache.org>, 
> Date: 19.11.2016 20:55
> Subject: Re: action tag with tile result causing StackOverflowError-
> Hi ,
> I also verified the exactly same error happens in struts 2.5.5 with 
> tiles 3.0.7.
> if we try to use action tag as below with tiles result it's goes in 
> infinite loop and throws it throws java.lang.StackOverflowError,
> <s:action name="myTestAction" namespace="/tiles" executeResult="true"/>
> --------Layout.jsp 
> <body>    <tiles:insertAttribute name="header"/>    
> <tiles:insertAttribute name="body"/> <p>Notice that this is a layout
> made in JSP</p>       <!-- issue with the action -->   <s:action 
> name="myTestAction" namespace="/tiles" 
> ------------- struts.xml   <action name="myTestAction">            
> <result type="tiles">showcase.index.actionResult</result>           
> <result name="success" type="tiles">showcase.index.actionResult</
> result>   </action>        ------------------tiles.xml
>     <definition name="showcase.index" template="/WEB-INF/tiles/
> layout.jsp">        <put-attribute name="title" value="Tiles 
> Showcase"/>        <put-attribute name="header" value="/WEB-INF/
> tiles/header.jsp"/>        <put-attribute name="body" value="/WEB-
> INF/tiles/body.jsp"/>    </definition>
> <definition name="showcase.index.actionResult" template="/WEB-INF/
> tiles/actionResult.jsp">        <put-attribute name="title" 
> value="Action Result"/></definition>
>  Let me know if somebody faced same issue. 
> Regards,Vishal
>     On Saturday, 19 November 2016, 10:28, Vishal Jhagadiawala 
> <vish_...@yahoo.com.INVALID> wrote:
>  Hi ,
> I have upgraded my struts application to version 2.3.30 and apache-
> tiles 2.2.2 and I am facing issue with s:action tag and tiles 
> result. it goes in recursive loop and throws StackOverflowError as 
> also I am able to reproduce this issue in showcase application, I 
> have outlined the tiles.xml , struts-tile.xml and layout.jsp as below. 
> it throws java.lang.StackOverflowError: null at 
> org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationHttpRequest.getAttribute
> (ApplicationHttpRequest.java:230)         at 
> org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationHttpRequest.getAttribute
> (ApplicationHttpRequest.java:230) at 
> org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationHttpRequest.getAttribute
> (ApplicationHttpRequest.java:230) at 
> org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationHttpRequest.getAttribute
> (ApplicationHttpRequest.java:230) .................. (truncated) 
> .................        at 
> com.opensymphony.xwork2.DefaultActionInvocation.invoke
> (DefaultActionInvocation.java:245) at 
> com.opensymphony.xwork2.interceptor.AliasInterceptor.intercept
> (AliasInterceptor.java:193) at 
> com.opensymphony.xwork2.DefaultActionInvocation.invoke
> (DefaultActionInvocation.java:245) at 
> (ExceptionMappingInterceptor.java:189) at 
> com.opensymphony.xwork2.DefaultActionInvocation.invoke
> (DefaultActionInvocation.java:245) at 
> org.apache.struts2.impl.StrutsActionProxy.execute
> (StrutsActionProxy.java:54) at 
> org.apache.struts2.components.ActionComponent.executeAction
> (ActionComponent.java:288) at 
> org.apache.struts2.components.ActionComponent.end
> (ActionComponent.java:172) at 
> org.apache.struts2.views.jsp.ComponentTagSupport.doEndTag
> (ComponentTagSupport.java:42) at 
> (layout_jsp.java:210) at 
> Here is my usage, 
> Layout.jsp
> <html>    <head><title>Struts2 Showcase - <tiles:getAsString 
> name="title"/></title></head><body>    <tiles:insertAttribute 
> name="header"/>    <tiles:insertAttribute name="body"/> <p>Notice 
> that this is a layout made in JSP</p>         <!-- Vishal- action 
> tag which is causing issue with tiles result --> <s:action 
> name="myTestAction" namespace="/tiles" executeResult="true" 
> tiles.xml
>     <definition name="showcase.index" template="/WEB-INF/tiles/
> layout.jsp">        <put-attribute name="title" value="Tiles 
> Showcase"/>        <put-attribute name="header" value="/WEB-INF/
> tiles/header.jsp"/>        <put-attribute name="body" value="/WEB-
> INF/tiles/body.jsp"/>    </definition>       <!-- Vishal-- my 
> definition -->    <definition name="showcase.index.actionResult" 
> template="/WEB-INF/tiles/actionTileResult.jsp">        <put-
> attribute name="title" value="Tiles Result from action"/>    
> struts-tiles.xml
>         <action name="index">            <result 
> type="tiles">showcase.index</result>            <result 
> name="success" type="tiles">showcase.index</result>        </action>
>        <!-- my test action to replicate the issue --> <action 
> name="myTestAction">            <result 
> type="tiles">showcase.index.actionResult</result>            <result
> name="success" type="tiles">showcase.index.actionResult</result>    
>     </action>  
> actionTileResult.jsp
> <tiles:importAttribute name="title" scope="request"/><html>    
> <head><title>Action tile result <tiles:getAsString name="title"/></
> title></head><body> <p>Notice that this is a  jsp</p></body></html>
> Please let me know anybody faced similar issue and any solution to it.
> Regards,Vishal

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