
please note that struts1 as been EOL'd long time ago. You should consider 
migrating to struts2.

The behavior you describe is correct: after your filter has consumed 
InputStream it is not available anymore for struts to process it. Just 
last week there was another thread on this list regarding this topic. 
Search the archives for "What is the best way to get all JSON params in 
custom Interceptor to log them all in a custom logger ?".

In your case you could use a workaround: put the paramters you need to 
check in URL instead of POST-body.


> From: Amey Jadiye <ameyjad...@gmail.com>
> To: user@struts.apache.org, 
> Date: 10.04.2017 11:14
> Subject: Multipart http request loosing parameters after first access.
> Hi,
> Can I get any help for below from struts community please ?
> -Amey
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: "Amey Jadiye" <ameyjad...@gmail.com>
> Date: Apr 9, 2017 12:14 AM
> Subject: Multipart http request loosing parameters after first access.
> To: <u...@commons.apache.org>
> Cc:
> Hi All,
> I'm using struts 1.2.9 and having requirement to upload  and process 
> obviously struts is handing multi-part request quite well however i'm
> having some existing logic where we have created my own filter from 
> all requests pass and i check authorization of user whether he is 
> to send that request or not.
> as struts handle multipart request in its own doFilter and beyond that 
> and i need few of the request parameters in my own filter(before 
> form fields) i wrote some code and used Commons FileUpload jar (1.3.2) 
> below in my filter.
>         List<FileItem> items = new ServletFileUpload(new
> DiskFileItemFactory()).parseRequest(request);
> and i'm getting all the form fields and queryparams in the list, now the
> problem is all those parameter are lost once i parsed request here, and
> now  from request object and BeanUtil.populate can't set my FormBean. :( 
> request object dont have it.
> I saw code of commons fileupload but doesn't seems anything odd code 
> is flushing all those parameters Can someone let me know if i'm missing
> something here ?
> Thanks,
> Amey

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