
I have  a pretty strange behaviour with my Struts2 Webapplication, to be
precise with struts2-tiles-plugin (Version after upgrading to
Struts Version  

Before upgrade I was using struts2-tiles3-plugin (delivered by maven)
witch just worked fine. After upgrading to struts2-tiles-plugin
(corresponding to https://struts.apache.org/docs/tiles-plugin.html)
tiles3 is not working anymore. It provides a NoSuchDefinitionException.
With the "old" struts2-tiles3-plugin everything works fine. After trying
around I found out, that this behaviour only appears on Windows-Systems:

On Windows: struts2-tiles-plugin (Version delivers a

On Linux (Ubuntu 16.4): struts2-tiles-plugin (Version works
fine => same source (same war-file) and same Tomcat-Version 

Then I just thought "give it a try with struts2-showcase-"
=> And voilĂ , the showcase-Application has exact the same behaviour.
Deployed on a Windows 10 System the showcase-Application delivers a
NoSuchDefinitionException. Same war deployed on Linux (Ubuntu 16.04)
works like a charm. 

Is this a bug in struts2-tiles3-plugin or do I miss something? 

Thanks for your help! 


...and Please excuse my bad english...

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