Thanks for the prompt response. Tried removing the attribute from the request, 
but still getting the class cast exception. Is it possible it is being set 
after I have called the forward?    
request.removeAttribute("struts.actionMapping");     // FORWARD THE REQUEST     
ServletContext sContext = context.getContext("/context2");     
RequestDispatcher rd =
sContext.getRequestDispatcher("/Login.action");    rd.forward(request, 
response);    [show/hide original text]
No it's not a Struts issue. You don't see this in Struts1 because maybe 
it doesn't use any object bounded to dispatched request. But Struts2 
wants to

ActionMapping mapping = 

A workaround would be removing object with key "struts.actionMapping" 
from request before dispatching.

I hope this helps.

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