Yes. And I just deployed a war with my config to another server to

-----Original Message-----
From: Erik Weber [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2004 5:17 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Classloading problem

[eweber]$ jar tf $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/Foo.war

. . .


. . .



Ivan Vasquez wrote:

>Erik, here goes my context.xml, Tomcat renames it the same as the app's
>directory. I assume your Tomcat has autodeploy enabled.
><!--By Ivan: WAR-contained Application Context-->
><!--Path defines the directory name created when war is deployed-->
><Context path="/nahrgisdev" docBase="nahrgisdev" debug="5"
>reloadable="true" crossContext="true">
>       <!--Development-->
>       <Resource name="jdbc/orcl" auth="Container"
>       <ResourceParams name="jdbc/orcl">
>       <parameter>
>          <name>factory</name>
>          <value>org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSourceFactory</value>
>       </parameter>
>       <parameter>
>          <name>driverClassName</name>
>          <value>oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver</value>
>       </parameter>
>       <!--By Ivan: Parameters for RAC connection load balancing-->
>       <parameter>
>          <name>url</name>
>       </parameter>
>       <parameter>
>          <name>username</name>
>          <value>*****</value>
>       </parameter>
>       <parameter>
>          <name>password</name>
>          <value>*****</value>
>       </parameter>
>       <parameter>
>          <name>maxActive</name>
>          <value>10</value>
>       </parameter>
>       <parameter>
>          <name>maxIdle</name>
>          <value>10</value>
>       </parameter>
>       <parameter>
>          <name>maxWait</name>
>          <value>-1</value>
>       </parameter>
>       <parameter>
>          <name>removeAbandoned</name>
>          <value>true</value>
>       </parameter>
>       <parameter>
>          <name>removeAbandonedTimeout</name>
>          <value>60</value>
>       </parameter>
>       <parameter>
>          <name>logAbandoned</name>
>          <value>true</value>
>       </parameter>
>       </ResourceParams>
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Erik Weber [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2004 4:30 PM
>To: Struts Users Mailing List
>Subject: Re: Classloading problem
>I have tried this repeatedly. I am using the same Foo.xml file that
>work when placed in conf/Catalina/localhost/. I have tried with and 
>without the path and docBase attributes to the Context element. I have 
>renamed the file to context.xml and it is in META-INF in my war file. I

>have also tried putting Foo.xml or context.xml within a 
>META-INF/context.xml/ *directory* as the documentation suggests.
>DBCP throws an Exception on startup that it cannot create a JDBC driver

>of class '' for connect URL 'null'. I am supposing that the context
>is never loaded. Also Tomcat creates a Foo.xml directory inside of 
>conf/Catalina/localhost with nothing in it. If I try restarting the 
>server, I also get a FileNotFoundException on Foo.xml, saying it "is a 
>directory" (good grief). I have tried hot deploy and deploying via the 
>manager web app as well.
>I basically observed the same behavior that Ivan described.
>I would love to see that example if you can find it.
>Kris Schneider wrote:
>>Hang on, my bad - it should be /META-INF/context.xml. So, rename
>Foo.xml to be
>>context.xml and place it in *META-INF*.
>>Quoting Erik Weber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>>Kris, this is from context.html in the Tomcat 5 docs:*
>>>Please note that for tomcat 5.x, unlike tomcat 4.x, it is NOT 
>>>recommended to place <Context> elements directly in the server.xml 
>>>file.* Instead, put them in the META-INF/context.xml directory of
>>>WAR file or the conf directory as described above.
>>>So here I am, stupidly trying to put my Foo.xml file within 
>>>/META-INF/context.xml/ (and various variations of that) of my web
>>>So should I rename Foo.xml to context.xml (I ask because in the conf 
>>>directory I have been naming it Foo.xml, not context.xml), and put it
>>>Could you show me where you found how to do this in the docs? Am I
>>>completely misreading the above sentence?
>>>Thanks for your help,
>>>Kris Schneider wrote:
>>>>Can you provide some more detail on the problems you're running into
>>>>WEB-INF? I've got a simple one lying around here somewhere...
>>>><Context path="/init">
>>>>  <Loader delegate="false"/>
>>>>  <Manager pathname=""/>
>>>>Seems to work fine with TC 5...
>>>>Quoting Erik Weber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>>>>Also, since you appear to be trying to follow the documenation,
>>>>>ever gotten a Context XML file placed within the META-INF directory
>>>>>your web app to work? I can't get this to work (I have gotten them
>>>>>work when placed in the conf directory -- though I had to learn the
>>>>>way to take write permissions away from Tomcat after it very rudely

>>>>>deleted one). The documentation is confusing, and the example web
>>>>>mysteriously does not include a Context XML file at all, despite
>>>>>pretty much any serious web app is going to need one (unless you
>>>>>everything in server.xml).
>>>>>If you have an example of this working, please share it with me.
>>>>>Ivan Vasquez wrote:
>>>>>>Sure, in common/lib it works well. But from Tomcat docs:
>>>>>>The following rules cover about 95% of the decisions that
>>>>>>developers and deployers must make about where to place class and
>>>>>>resource files to make them available to web applications:
>>>>>>     * For classes and resources specific to a particular web
>>>>>>application, place unpacked classes and resources under
>>>>>>of your web application archive, or place JAR files containing
>>>>>>classes and resources under /WEB-INF/lib of your web application
>>>>>>     * For classes and resources that must be shared across all
>>>>>>applications, place unpacked classes and resources under
>>>>>>$CATALINA_BASE/shared/classes, or place JAR files containing those
>>>>>>classes and resources under $CATALINA_BASE/shared/lib.
>>>>>>--Then goes on...---
>>>>>>Common - This class loader contains additional classes that are
>>>>>>visible to both Tomcat internal classes and to all web
>>>>>>Normally, application classes should NOT  be placed here. All
>>>>>>classes and resources in $CATALINA_HOME/common/classes, as well as
>>>>>>classes and resources in JAR files under the
>>>>>>$CATALINA_HOME/commons/endorsed and $CATALINA_HOME/common/lib
>>>>>>directories, are made visible through this class loader.
>>>>>>Shared - This class loader is the place to put classes and
>>>>>>that you wish to share across ALL  web applications (unless Tomcat
>>>>>>internal classes also need access, in which case you should put
>them in
>>>>>>the Common  class loader instead). All unpacked classes and
>resources in
>>>>>>$CATALINA_BASE/shared/classes, as well as classes and resources in
>>>>>>files under $CATALINA_BASE/shared/lib, are made visible through
>>>>>>class loader.
>>>>>>In our case we want to share jars common to all applications, but
>>>>>>of them are required by Tomcat.
>>>>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>>>>From: Erik Weber [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>>>>>>Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2004 12:52 PM
>>>>>>To: Struts Users Mailing List
>>>>>>Subject: Re: Classloading problem
>>>>>>I have been using 5.0.27, putting my JDBC drivers in common/lib,
>and my 
>>>>>>struts jars in WEB-INF/lib of each application, and haven't had
>>>>>>problems. Why do you say "incorrectly"?
>>>>>>Ivan Vasquez wrote:
>>>>>>>We have Tomcat 5.0.16 and were incorrectly placing common jars
>(such as
>>>>>>>JDBC drivers) in /common/lib. 
>>>>>>>Now we just moved them to /shared/lib (for truly common stuff)
>>>>>>>WEB-INF/lib, but now all applications complain giving a
>>>>>>>java.lang.ClassNotFoundException, just like if things weren't in
>>>>>>>Tomcat's classpath anymore. Apps and Tomcat restarts have been
>>>>>>>several times.
>>>>>>>Is there anything in web.xml, server.xml, etc that needs to be
>>>>>>>are we possibly missing? Tomcat docs are pretty straightforward
>>>>>>>and everything seems right.
>>>>>>>Once again, thanks in advance.
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