On 2/28/2018 3:47 PM, shahzad.ismail@ wrote:
> I've debugged it a bit and able to figure out that, initially, at the start 
> of action1, request.getParamater("modelprop") is null then I set modelprop in 
> the action1 method which makes mymodel.modelprop == "something" and 
> request.getAttribute("modelprop") == "something" but the 
> request.getParameter("modelprop") remains null by the end of action1 method. 
> So when it chains to action2 method, it simply rewrites 
> request.getParameter("modelprop") value, which is *null*, back to both, 
> request.getAttribute("modelprop") and mymodel.modelprop. Am I messing up with 
> some interceptor configuration?
> I've tried it with type="redirectAction" and the problem of not passing 
> mymodel.modelprop from action1 to action2 remains.
> Any suggestions would be appreciated.

AFAIR the chain result doesn't set destination action props from
request, but in your case, it calls action1.getModel() and gets the
object then calls action2.setModel(the object).

Could you try these and see what happens:

1. Via your browser, browse action2 directly (instead of action1).
2. Try different configs like action2->action3->action1, or
action3->action1->action2, or action2->action1->action3, or


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