On 4/15/2018 11:39 PM, Burton Rhodes wrote:
> I have been getting "Bad Request" or "URL too long" errors on occasion for
> an email form that uses the execute and wait interceptor.  I am using the
> <meta http> to resubmit the form per the documentation.
> <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="3;url=<s:url includeParams="all"/>"/>
> However, the original form submits via POST and the meta tag uses GET which
> I believe is the source of the issue.  I've tried the code below thinking
> that I could omit all the parameters except the token, but this doesn't
> seem to do the trick.  Struts wants the entire form (again) - without all
> the parameters the validate methods fail for the action class.
> <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="3;url=<s:url>
>     <s:param name="struts.token.name" value="%{tokenName}" />
>     <s:param name="token" value="%{token}" />
> </s:url>"/>
> Any ideas on how to implement execute and wait correctly without submitting
> the entire form via GET parameters each time a refresh that happens?

Could you try including all except the email body field? I guess this
issue happens because the email body usually is too long to being
included inside url query string. To confirm, could you increase refresh
timeout to have time to right-click on your browser page then click view
source? I'm interested what is generated by <meta http-equiv="refresh"
content="3;url=<s:url includeParams="all"/>"/> there when there is a
long email body posted!

Thanks in advance!

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