supposedly the mapping class looks at Key_xxx and Element_xxx inside 

 This {@link ObjectTypeDeterminer} looks at the 
<b></b> for entries that indicated what
 * objects are contained within Maps and Collections. For Collections, such as 
Lists, the element is specified using the
 * pattern <b>Element_xxx</b>, where xxx is the field name of the collection 
property in your action or object. For
 * Maps, both the key and the value may be specified by using the pattern 
<b>Key_xxx</b> and <b>Element_xxx</b>,
 * respectively.

in your fuBar Class would look like

# syntax: <type> = <converterClassName>
java.lang.Double = com.acme.MyDouble

     * Determines the element class by looking for the value of @Element 
annotation for the given
     * class.
     * If no annotation is found, the element class is determined by using the 
generic parametrics.
     * As fallback, it determines the key class by looking for the value of 
Element_${property} in the properties
     * file for the given class. Also looks for the deprecated 
     * @param parentClass the Class which contains as a property the Map or 
Collection we are finding the key for.
     * @param property    the property of the Map or Collection for the given 
parent class
     * @see 
String, Object)
    public Class getElementClass(Class parentClass, String property, Object 
key) {
        Element annotation = getAnnotation(parentClass, property, 

        if (annotation != null) {
            return annotation.value();
//departure of getClass passing parentClass property and objectIsElement bool
        Class clazz = getClass(parentClass, property, true);

        if (clazz != null) {
            return clazz;

        clazz = (Class) xworkConverter.getConverter(parentClass, ELEMENT_PREFIX 
+ property);

        if (clazz == null) {
            clazz = (Class) xworkConverter
                    .getConverter(parentClass, DEPRECATED_ELEMENT_PREFIX + 

            if (clazz != null) {
      "The Collection_xxx pattern for collection type 
conversion is deprecated. Please use Element_xxx!");
        return clazz;

as you can see there is no conversion to String in getClass below
     * Returns the class for the given field via generic type check.
     * @param parentClass the Class which contains as a property the Map or 
Collection we are finding the key for.
     * @param property    the property of the Map or Collection for the given 
parent class
     * @param element     <tt>true for indexed types and Maps.
     * @return Class of the specified field.
    private Class getClass(Class parentClass, String property, boolean element) 
        try {
            Field field = reflectionProvider.getField(parentClass, property);

            Type genericType = null;

            // Check fields first
            if (field != null) {
                genericType = field.getGenericType();

            // Try to get ParameterType from setter method
            if (genericType == null || !(genericType instanceof 
ParameterizedType)) {
                try {
                    Method setter = 
reflectionProvider.getSetMethod(parentClass, property);
                    genericType = setter.getGenericParameterTypes()[0];
                catch (ReflectionException ognle) {
                    ; // ignore
                catch (IntrospectionException ie) {
                    ; // ignore

            // Try to get ReturnType from getter method
            if (genericType == null || !(genericType instanceof 
ParameterizedType)) {
                try {
                    Method getter = 
reflectionProvider.getGetMethod(parentClass, property);
                    genericType = getter.getGenericReturnType();
                catch (ReflectionException ognle) {
                    ; // ignore
                catch (IntrospectionException ie) {
                    ; // ignore

            if (genericType instanceof ParameterizedType) {

                ParameterizedType type = (ParameterizedType) genericType;

                int index = (element && 
type.getRawType().toString().contains(Map.class.getName())) ? 1 : 0;

                Type resultType = type.getActualTypeArguments()[index];

                if ( resultType instanceof ParameterizedType) {
                    return (Class) ((ParameterizedType) 
                return (Class) resultType;

        } catch (Exception e) {
            if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                LOG.debug("Error while retrieving generic property class for 
property=" + property, e);
        return null;

of course any/all values passed thru HTTP GET are "passed as String" this 
what you're seeing with WireShark?


On 2019/06/17 16:21:55, Prasanth wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a form that uses maps to store data as shown below. When the user 
> enters valid numbers it works as expected, but when > user enters non digit 
> characters in the text field a String object is saved
> in the map rather than showing a "Invalid field value for field <field name>" 
> message which is done for basic data types like
> int/long/double. Is this something that struts has not implemented for
> maps yet, as the annotations provide the expected data type?
>     @Element(value=java.lang.Double.class)
>     private HashMap<Long, Double> deferralAmountValue = new 
> HashMap<Long,Double>();
>     @Element(value=java.lang.Double.class)
>     private HashMap<Long, Double> deferralPercentValue = new 
> HashMap<Long,Double>();
> Thanks,
> Prasanth

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