czw., 8 lut 2024 o 16:39 apacheStrutsUsers8
<> napisaƂ(a):
> I have a Struts app which I am upgrading from Struts 2.5 to Struts 6. In my 
> struts xml file, I currently have actions which have the allowed-methods tag 
> like this:
> <action name="someAction" class="SomeAction" method="{1}">
> <result name="success">/done.jsp</result>
> <allowed-methods>start, finish, next</allowed-methods>
> </action>
> However, when I try to call someAction!start.action, the start method is not 
> called and it looks for the execute method instead. The same thing happens 
> for the finish and next methods.
> Any guesses why it is not working? Or ideas on how to fix it? The existing 
> code does work correctly in Struts 2.5 and methods without the "{1}" syntax 
> do work (i.e. if there is a specific method="finish").

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