From: "Tom Holmes Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> In my limited knowledge of Struts ... in order to execute this action
> which gets my data, it requires a submit to call the action.

No, it requires an HTTP request to the URL that's mapped to the action.

That could be a click on a button, or just typing the URL into a browser, or
clicking on an <a href=...> link.

That HTTP request makes the Action code run.  Depending on what's in the
request (almost nothing, in the case of the initial request,) it either does
some setup work or processes the submitted data, and determines what
response to send.

There are ways to skip validation on the first request, so you don't show
the form with a bunch of errors.  You can check to see if the form was
POSTed to you, or else look for the presence of a hidden field on the form,
which won't be there unless it was POSTed.

Wendy Smoak

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