From: "Caroline Jen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I experimented a little bit:
> 1. I changed all struts tags to html tags in my
> messageForm.jsp and I also excluded the opening
> <html:form> and closing </html:form> tag.
>    The action mapping shown below works fine.  I am
> able to see the form that I want to display in the
> browser.
>        <action
>         path="/MailMessage"
>         parameter=".message.Form"
> type="org.apache.struts.actions.ForwardAction"/>
> 2. I then added the opening <html:form> in the
> beginning of the messageForm.jsp and the closing
> </html:form> tag at the end of the messageForm.jsp.
>     I got the error message 'cannot retrieve
> definition for form bean null'

That's because your <action> tag doesn't have a 'name' parameter.   When
Struts gets to your JSP and tries to evaluate the <html:form> tag, it looks
to the action mapping, and comes up with 'null' as the name of the form

Wendy Smoak

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