Hi all,
    Using Struts 1.1.
    I have an ActionForm in which displays an array of items. I want to use
DynaValidatorForm here which uses ArrayList as property holders. I am able
to pre-populate the form. I have trouble in displaying the values and on
submission nothing is populated. If somebody can give an example it will be
very useful to me.

<form-bean name="PriceForm"
   <form-property name="productid" type="java.util.ArrayList"/>
   <form-property name="productdesc" type="java.util.ArrayList"/>

logic:iterate name="PriceForm" property="productid" id="pid"
    <//html:hidden property='<%="productid["+index+"]"%>'/>
    <td><html:text property="productdesc" indexed="true"/>

    <td><//html:text property='<%="productdesc["+index+"]"%>'/>


I  tried using indexed attribute. Then HTML generated is

<input type="text" name="org.apache.struts.taglib.html.BEAN[0].productdesc"
value="[product desc 0]">

See the value is in braces.

If I use <html:text property="productdesc" indexed="true"/> I get

java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0

What is wrong ?.

Antony Paul

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