vineesh . kumar wrote:
Can someone suggest a good example of creating a jsp custom tag and using it?.

Actually i want to access a vector object at the request scope and tried to write a 
tld and the class.

my tld has the attribute name <mytld:out name="objectname"/>

and at in the tld handling class i tried like this
   Vector vect=(Vector)pageContext.getRequest().getAttribute(name);

but the resultant vector is null
     i hav the setName method like

 public void setName(String name)

the variable name has global scope

wat may b the problem. Or please suggest any example matching this context Thanks vinu

I can't help with your specific example but if you want to learn about writing custom tag libraries, I suggest that you download the struts source code and look at how they do it. After looking through a couple of the tags (mostly in the html tld) I was able to write a bunch of custom tags very quickly.


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