Generate a digest (ie: MD5) of those properties in the actionForm that you are watching, and render this to a hidden field in your JSP. When the form is submitted compare this digest to a digest of these fields generated after submission and if different you know that something has changed.

Woodchuck wrote:

hihi all,

what is the best way to detect changes on a form without using any
client side methods?

i have a very typical requirement to implement something that could
warn the user that they made changes to the form but have not saved yet
these changes yet.

is the only way to do this by keeping a copy of the last saved form
data in session and then comparing this with the form data?

can anyone share any good strategies for doing this?  i'd like to avoid
any client side code as much as possible, but is this a good case for
using javascript?

any comments/opinions welcome!

please and thanks,

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