Just for the record, I have contrived a particularly nasty work-around for this problem and share it in case anyone ever ends up as desperate as me!

To recap, I have 3 buttons on a form including a cancel button for which there should be no validation.

Because I have implemented a LookupDispatchAction class to handle these buttons, I cannot just use the <html:cancel> tag 'as is' because I get the following exception (my method param is called 'method'):

javax.servlet.ServletException: Request[/createContact] does not contain handler parameter named method

If you include property="method" with the <html:cancel> tag, you lose the exception but validation still takes place.

So what I have done (if you will excuse the fish-heads) is:

Use a standard html hidden tag (the <html:hidden> struts tag moans about not having getter for the property x) with a dummy name:

 <input type=hidden name="x" />

Have your cancel button call some JavaScript:

<html:cancel property="method" onclick="return sendCancel()"><bean:message key="button.cancel"/></html:cancel>

and the JavaScript is:

function sendCancel()
return true;

I have tried all the other suggestions in every combination but can't get anything more elegant to work. This works but I'm not looking forward to the code review!


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