Are you sure your destinationName validation is correct - seems to me like
it should always give a validation error if buttonSelected is not "find"? I
think it should be something like the following....

> destinationName is required only when destinationReference is null AND
> the parameter 'buttonSelected' is 'find'

<field property="destinationName" depends="validwhen">
    <arg0 key="prompt.destinationName"/>
                 <var-value>(*this* != null) or
                                      ( (buttonSelected != "find") or
(destinationRef != null))

For the destinationReference validation, how about the following...

> destinationReference is ALWAYS required EXCEPT when 'buttonSelected' is
> 'find' and destinationReference is not null

<field property="destinationRef" depends="validwhen">
    <arg0 key="prompt.destinationRef"/>
                 <var-value>(*this* != null) or
                                      ((buttonSelected == "find") and
(destinationName != null))


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Marco Mistroni" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Struts Users Mailing List'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, September 16, 2004 12:13 PM
Subject: Validator question

> Hi all,
> I have following issue with Validator
> I have a form that has, between other fields, two fields,
> destinationReference and destinationName.
> destinationName is required only when destinationReference is null AND
> the parameter 'buttonSelected' is 'find'
> destinationReference is ALWAYS required EXCEPT when 'buttonSelected' is
> 'find' and destinationReference is not null
> any hints?
> Following the validator guide I have entered following in the
> validation.xml
>             <field property="destinationName" depends="validwhen">
>         <arg0 key="prompt.destinationName"/>
>           <var>
>                  <var-name>test</var-name>
>                  <var-value>(buttonSelected == "find") and
> ((destinationRef    == null) or (*this* != null))</var-value>
>               </var>
>             </field>
>           </form>
> this works fine for the destinationName field
> I am missing how to specify   destinationReference is ALWAYS required
> except
> When destinationName is NOT null and buttonSelected is 'find'
> Anyone can help?
> Thanx in advance and regards
> marco

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