<lots of text snipped>

It sounds like your problem is:
1) You want to include files in a way that chooses the best match,
given a user's language, much like the proper ResourceBundle is
2) You have another property in play, not just standard

Since, this seems mostly a presentation issue, I would not expect a
Struts-specific feature to handle this; this seems like a candidate
for a taglib (if you are using JSP.)  You can find the rules that
ResourceBundles use for searching in the javadocs of the
ResourceBundle class.

You could make a taglib that searches for files based on those rules
(and adding some for your extra properties), and includes the file
that best matches.

Alternatively, since it sounds like you are happy with Cocoon, perhaps
you can mix the two together:


And use Struts as a controller, and the Cocoon pipeline as your
presentation framework.

> While trying out Cocoon, I was able to handle the customization part by
> always using the customization prefix in URIs (like
> http://localhost/app/foo/somepage.xsp), but
> not the language, although probably it could be handled in a similar way
> except in the login page:
>       <map:match pattern="*/**.xsp">
>         <map:act type="resource-exists" src="xsp/{2}_{1}.xsp">
>           <map:generate type="file" src="xsp/{../2}_{../1}.xsp"/>
>           <map:serialize type="xml"/>
>         </map:act>
>         <map:generate type="file" src="xsp/{2}.xsp"/>
>         <map:serialize type="xml"/>
>       </map:match>
> I don't think there is a way of achieving this with Struts.
> Thanks
> --
> Fernando Mato Mira                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Thomson Dialog

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