> Now, my understanding was that DynaActionForm manages to populate a map of
> form fields, match them up against validation rules, and if it fails, it
> would KEEP the previous request but add errors into it and FORWARD back to
> the view, therefore KEEPING all the request attributes. It does not appear
> to work in this manner and I am confused.

I think you are confusing what is happening here.  If I understand you
correctly, you are setting thing into the request, then forwarding to a
"somePage.jsp" page.  When the user submits that page, and the validator
fails, the request is forwarded to the input="somePage.jsp" of that action
mapping.  And you are wondering why those attributes you set in the first
request are not there for the second on?

Am I understanding you here?

If yes, then you should know that those are 2 separate requests.  If you
rely on some collection to be in the request for use with a select box, that
collection won't be there if the validator fails.  As I understand it, you
don't want to store thing in the session.  That's ok, there are many
different approaches to get around this.  If you ask 5 developers, you'll
likely get 6 different answers.  You should Google it, and/or buy a book.  I
would recommend that new one coming out by O'Reilly.  Bill Siggelkow is one
smart cookie (when sober ;).

James Mitchell
Software Engineer / Open Source Evangelist
EdgeTech, Inc.
AIM: jmitchtx

----- Original Message -----
From: "Allistair Crossley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, September 17, 2004 7:00 AM
Subject: DynaActionForm and previous request attributes (no answer found in
archives for similar problems)

Hi All,

I am coming up against a limitation of using DynaActionForm that I wonder if
someone can confirm or deny.

All our Action classes extend a SecuredBaseAction. This SecuredBaseAction
does a few important things per request like making sure the user is
validated and also loading page properties matching a page id that is
assigned to each request so that when the Action returns the view, that view
is able to do stuff like build the navigation and a range of other things I
won't bore you with. This is an intranet system therefore navigation needs
to be present at all times and so on.

This is a per request attribute and so it should be.

Now, I am building a validator-based application that sits within this
intranet framework. I do not want to get into ActionForms as they are a
ball-ache but I do like the validator framework, so I want to use
I have setup my first form and have it validating without an issue. However,
there is an issue because when I get my input view back following a failure,
all my request attributes are gone from the previous request and because I
have to send a forward, my nav attributes and so on cannot be reloaded. This
is causing errors.

Now, my understanding was that DynaActionForm manages to populate a map of
form fields, match them up against validation rules, and if it fails, it
would KEEP the previous request but add errors into it and FORWARD back to
the view, therefore KEEPING all the request attributes. It does not appear
to work in this manner and I am confused.

A similar post I found suggests using SESSION but this is not only poor
practice but impossible for the operations we need to perform per action.

Any comments are greatly appreciated else I am going to have to scrap using
validator which I don't want to do.

Cheers, ADC.

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