> If I understand your code correctly, you are loading all the bytes of
> the file (or BLOB) into memory at once, without good reason (a good
> reason might be if several objects were editing an XML document before
> it was to be served).
> I would use a variable (but small) buffer size. Then I would read from
> the source (file) until the buffer is filled. Then I would empty the
> buffer to the destination (response output stream) before reading any
> more from the source into memory. Repeat until finished. In other words,
> stream the content.

Excellent point, I hadn't thought of that.  I'll most certainly modify the
code accordingly.  Thanks very much for that! :)

> cache-control - used by browsers and proxies to determine wether to cache
> the document or not, and if so, for how long.

Hmm, seems a bit odd to me to be setting this header in a case such as
this... I would think you'd want the same cacheing scheme for a given user
that they have all the time, be it proxy cache or browser cache or
something else.  I'll have to think about this one some more.

> content-length - not sure if struts would do this for you, but i know
> there
> are issues with some browsers not liking binary data that it doesnt know
> the
> length of.  Especially applies to pdfs.

Oops, oversight on my part.  The code I use in production in fact DOES set
this header, but I neglected to put it in the code I posted.  My bad, as
the young folk say :)

> Content-disposition - this is *very* usefull.  You can specify inline or
> attachment.  Inline tells the browser to display the file in the browser.
> (eg. the normal default behaviour for pdfs). Attachment tells the browser
> that the file is to be downloaded rather than viewed, so the browser
> should
> show the 'save file' dialog box.  Using filename=... with this allows
> you to
> specify a filename for the attachment. So, if you have an action
> download.do?id=6, it can say filename is tradereport-march-2004.pdf! Very
> useful for reports, etc where you would otherwise have many files with the
> same 'default' filename, ie report.pdf/whatever the browser decides.
> Can be
> used to reduce admin cockups!!!

Yep, I knew about this one too, but I didn't consider it putting this code
together.  Strikes me as another parameter, would you agree?

I try and roll in the two definite changes tomorrow, and maybe even this
last one, and re-post the code.  Thank you very much for your feedback!


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