Well, validate="false" is now on my action and in the code is

DynaValidatorForm dynForm = (DynaValidatorForm) form;
ActionErrors dynFormErrors = dynForm.validate(mapping, request);
if (! dynFormErrors.isEmpty()) {
  logger.debug("invalid form");
  saveErrors(request, errors);
  return mapping.findForward(VIEW_CREATE_STEP1);

but the validation here is not working, i.e with the data I am submitting the above 
block should be run but it is skipped because no errors are present.

Using this manual mechanism with DynaActionForm, will validate(mapping, request) still 
tie up with the declarative validator-rules.xml/validate.xml files?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rick Reumann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 18 September 2004 20:00
> To: Allistair Crossley
> Subject: Re: DynaActionForm and previous request attributes (no answer
> found in archives for similar problems)
> Emailing you off list as well. Make you check out the bottom of this 
> page. It'll solve your problem.
> > Don't validate automatically. Manually validate in your 
> Action. Example 
> > here: http://www.reumann.net/struts/articles/request_lists.jsp
> > 
> > 
> -- 
> Rick

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