I think the main reasons are

a. You can start using JSF with existing apps and not have to rewrite apps that may have been written with struts.
b. That you can use tiles as your templating mechanism, while using your JSF forms.

So far I've only been using JSF and struts separately, but I'm starting to come around to the idea of using them together as a way of moving toward JSF but without bleeding.


On 20 Sep 2004, at 15:35, ravi naraharasetty wrote:

Hi All,

What is the main objective/purpose of integrating JSF with Struts. If
I correctly understood I am thinking of achieving below objectives
with their integration:

a. use JSF for presentation layer viewing/validation/exception
b. use Struts for controller layer
c. using above a and b, able to access jsf managed beans in Struts
action classes

Please correct me if I am wrong.

Thanks & Regards,

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