I'm having troubles with html:options tag, I was hoping for some insight.

I've got an ActionForm called "myForm".

On that form, I've got a String field iD, and a Collection (Vector) of
Struts LabelValueBeans called "myCollection".  Appropriate getters and
setters, too.  Code below.

On my JSP. I've got 

<html:text property="myCollection"/>
<html:select property="iD">
<html:options collection="myCollection" property="value"

The <html:text> tag works properly and produces:
 [LabelValueBean[0, January], LabelValueBean[1, February]] - as expected.

the <html:options> tag produces "org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Cannot
find bean under name myCollection".

I don't understand the differences in scope between the <html:text> and

What do I need to do so that <html:options> can find my Collection on the

package myApp.forms;

import java.util.Collection;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;

public class myForm extends ActionForm {

    private Collection myCollection;
    private String iD;

    public WageReportEditForm() {

    public String getID() {
        return iD;

    public void setID(String s) {
        this.iD = s;

    public Collection getMyCollection() {
        return myCollection;

    public void setPlanList(Collection c) {
        this.myCollection = c;


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