Hi All,

The inability to set initial values for struts <html:radio/> element is
causing me some real issues. I have a view action that I use to redirect
to a form with radio buttons, that itself will call a subsequent action
to actually handle the business logic of the operation. The page relies
upon dynamic, JavaScript updates - i.e. if you click on a radio button
it updates the form by dynamically re-calling the view action.

The problem is that there is no way to communicate with the form bean of
the view action and the form bean of the business action. I can set
properties in the request/session object and update the business
form-bean using it's reset() method, as was recommended, but the reset()
seems to be called only on the initial page load, and not after the
Javascript refreshes.

This would be simple if I could simple insert a initial value into the
html:radio buttons, but there doesn't seem to be any easy solution to
the problem.

Kind regards,
-- Ricardo Gladwell

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