That's a good point...

If you KNOW your application is NEVER going to be anything other than a
web-based application, and if you KNOW you won't need to re-use your
business logic (or expose it in any way outside the application), and if
your development team is not really separated (especially if your the only
developer!) then there's probably not too many good arguments for using
delegates at all.  Might as well save the time and effort and just put
everything in the Actions.

The decision has to be based on what you know about the project.  I think
it's fair to say that the majority of people will tell you that separating
your business logic from your Actions is a good architectural approach,
but there are some valid reasons for not bothering with the extra effort,
and only you can decide.

Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies

On Tue, September 21, 2004 10:23 am, Michael McGrady said:
> PC Leung wrote:
>>In the mailing list, I have read some people suggesting not to put
>>business logics in Action class. Certainly, business logics should not
>>be in JSP or Form class. Then where should the business logics be put?
> A good answer to this question is impossible to give, PC, without
> knowing your requirements.  There are some cases where the logic should
> just be put in the Action class.  The important thing is to know the
> issues and to do the right thing in your case.  The biggest issue,
> determining whether you need to get outside your Action class, is
> whether or not you need to decouple your business logic from your Action
> class.
> If so, and this also depends upon what growth you envision, then you
> need to do the sorts of things that people will recommend on this list.
> But, you always have to know what the tune is as well as the lyrics, the
> actual needs versus the technical options.
> Michael McGrady
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