I am able to disply the drop-down menu in the
conventinal way:

<bean:define id="nameList" name="PageBeans"
scope="request" type="java.util.ArrayList"  />
<html:select size="1" property="anything"
    <html:options collection="nameList"
property="name" labelProperty="name"/>

I have only one property in my JavaBean and that
property is 'name'.  Therefore, I do not have a label
for it.

1. how do I show -Select- in this drop-down menu?

2. I tried to convert the code and use <c:...> tags,
but I have a number of problems:

<select size="1" name="anything" multiple="false">
   <c:forEach items='${PageBeans}' var='item'>
      <option value="<c:out value='${item.name}'>" 

         <c:out value='${item.name}'>


and the other way:

<select size="1" name="anything" multiple="false">
    <c:forEach items="${PageBeans}" var="item">
        <option value="${item.name}"
${item.value==PageBean.name ? 
"selected" : }>${item.name}

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