Hello All,

I have a Struts app that I am working on and am using DisplayTag to display
my search results. So far everything works fine. Now, I want to add a
checkbox for each row in this Displaytag which I was able to do but unable
to capture the checked values in my Action Class. Please verify the below
code and let me know if you find anything missing.
I am using <html:checkbox> and trying to pass memberId value when it is
checked. But it takes it as literal String value.

<display:table name="sessionScope.searchResults" pagesize="5"
defaultsort="2" defaultorder="descending" export="true"
                <html:checkbox property="deleteList" value="memberId">
        <display:column property="lastName" title="Last Name"
sortable="true" headerClass="sortable"
paramId="memberName" paramProperty="memberName" />
        <display:column property="firstName" title="First Name"
sortable="true" headerClass="sortable" />
        <display:column property="phone" />
        <display:column property="email"
href="/registration/displayEmail.do" paramId="email" paramProperty="email"/>
        <display:column property="occupation" />
        <display:column property="region" />
        <display:setProperty name="paging.banner.include_first_last"
value="true" />
        <display:setProperty name="paging.banner.placement" value="top" />

Please help


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