> After updating to version 1.2.2
> FieldsCheck.validateInteger(..) now returns a boolean indicating success
> rather the value. This has broken our code and we need the value. Is
> there a substitute method now?

I've tracked this down to a patch done under bug#26413.
Changing signatures like this is bad API development.

This change has royally screwed me.
Now I have to copy _ALL_ of the code in FieldChecks.validateInteger(..)
into our application just to get the value again.

IMHO it would have been much much better api development to provide
wrapper methods around the existing validateXXX methods that provided the
fix you wanted.

For example:

    public static boolean validatableInteger(Object bean,
                                          ValidatorAction va, Field field,
                                          ActionMessages errors,
                                          HttpServletRequest request) {
        return validateInteger(bean,va,field,errors,request) == null
                     ? false : true;

This would not break the API, and would solve this issue. 
I'm not sure validatable is a word? But you get my drift.


<BR/> "It is not enough to have a good mind; the main thing is to use it well." 

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