actually I do not like either option. my understanding
* session scoped obejcts (I mean those put into the
session using request.getSession().setAttribute()) are
like global variables. I need to take care of
potential naming conflict-but I can not use fully
qualified domain name type of naming convention
because some tags resever the '.'; clean them when no
longer used - but there are chances that they are not
cleaned if the user does not click Done or Cancel but
jump to other pages by select menu items; 

* session scoped ActionForm should not be used to keep
application data but only UI related stuff

The other possible solution is to use Workflow
extenstion but I feel that it is not flexible enough.
And in fact workflow extension keeps data in the
session also so fundamentally no difference.

I guess it is the limitation of the current J2EE

Looks like I will choose to use
request.getSession().setAttribute way of keeping some
necessary data to support those use cases.

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