
I have searched the lists for some time without any success.
I have a Session Form Bean (this is necessay to do a unit of work that 
spans many pages...)
On a page I have 3 ImageButtonBeans. Update, Cancel and Beneficiaries.

My problem arises in the Validate method of the Form.
In order to Update the user must have a beneficiary.
So the user tries to update and a message stating that a beneficiary is 
The user then clicks on the Beneficiaries button... the validate method is 
and the Update button still has its X and Y values and the request fails 
the validation and the message is redisplayed.
This loop goes on...

I have tried to set the Update button to a new ImageButtonBean.. same 
I have also tried to update the session Form bean after setting the Update 
button to a new ImageButtonBean with no luck.

How can I get around this situation?


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